
Food Insecurity

SMC Essential Needs Program

Housing & Immigration

Catholic Charities of the East Bay

Trinity Center for folks experiencing houselessness who may need access to laundry, meals, and resources to assist with finding housing/shelter

Oakland Diocese Immigration Resource Page

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACA) resource webpage for undocumented students

Stand Together Contra Costa

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)  

National Immigration Law Center (NILC)

Alcohol & Other Drugs

SAMHSA Resources and Helpline:

SAMHSA’s National Helpline - is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Alcoholics Anonymous - AA Groups in California

Narcotics Anonymous

Cocaine Anonymous

Marijuana Anonymous

Al-Anon - For people who have a loved one who is struggling with alcohol.

Intimate Partner Violence

Stand Against Domestic Violence

Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR)

Community Violence Solutions

National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)

Child abuse

Child Protective Services

Elder Abuse

Adult Protective Services-Contra Costa County

Grief & Loss

Hospice of East Bay


AIDS/CA Department of Mental Health
